MAS6287 is a VCTCXO IC targeted for high stability VCTCXOs and TCXOs from –40 °C … +85 °C up to very wide–60 °C … +125 °C temperature range. The device uses patented fully analog temperature compensation method making it possible to achieve frequency stabilities of ±0.5 ppm typ at –60 °C … +125 °C, ±0.2 ppm typ at –40°C … +105 °C and ±0.1 ppm typ at –40 °C … +85 °C. Small size makes it suited also for small modules.
It has typical power consumption only 2.5 mA at 40MHz. Low phase noise of -134 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz allows the use of the MAS6287 in demanding applications. The frequency stability against load or supply voltage changes is excellent. Operating supply voltage range is from 2.8V to 3.6V. It has programmable divider function allowing the output frequency range of 8 MHz to 52 MHz. Output waveform can be selected from sine wave or CMOS. The MAS6287 is available as die or in a small QFN-10 3x3x0.75mm package.